Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A heartbreaking Singapore story....

Tell you what happened last week.

2 weeks ago a neighbor of mine, a widower, died leaving behind 2 children - one in JC the other still in secondary school. The man was involved in an road accident and died in hospital. His wife passed away 3 years ago. The relatives are poor and refused to take in these children. I've known this family since I was a young boy The boy and girl are my good friends. The father left a fully paid 2 room flat so we all figured that with some financial help, the girl will be able to make to university, graduate and support her brother.

Since I'm not working and know the family, my mom asked me to approach the neighbors to ask who might be able to help. $10, $20 or $50 ...or whatever small amount that can support the 2 children every month in addition to the assistance from CDAC and other govt sources. Surprisingly, although the neighbors are poor many were will to commit to small amounts to help these children. The total amount was $185.

I went to the home on Good Friday to tell the children about the good news and advice them on how to plan their monthly expenses and so on. While I was chatting with them, there was this loud knock on the door.

A woman (from accent can tell from PRC) was with a 2-yr old small child wanted to come into the house. We all didn't know who she was so we asked her what she wanted. The next thing she said was quite shocking. She said the flat belonged to her. Ridiculous...I asked the 'mad' woman to get lost and take her nonsense with her. She took out marriage cert and showed us she was married to the kids' late father. Apparently, after his wife's death my neighbor started another family with this PRC woman who is a PR. Now this woman wants two thirds of the HDB flat (her share and her child's share) - either sell off and get share of the proceeds or the kids pay her two-thirds the rental of the flat. She said she is very kind and will give 2 months for this to be sorted out. As a spouse and one child, she has right to two-thirds of the man's CPF.

The 2 kids who had to overcome the great grief over the death of their father now have to be confronted with this heartbreaking situations.

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